We provide several services to our customers to make it easier to collect data and materials and get it into our hands in a timely manner.
These services make the work easier for you and they help us to get the results to you faster.
The following is a list of services we currently provide:
Sample Pick-up:
- Couriers are fully trained AmTest personnel who are experienced in proper and complete chain-of-custody procedures.
- Courier service is contingent upon advanced scheduling with the laboratory. A 24-hour notice is requested. Service is available
between 9am and 4pm, Monday-Friday. However, arrangements can be made for off-hour or weekend pick-ups as well.

Sample bottles and sample disposal:
- AmTest provides pre-cleaned sample bottles, preservatives, labels, chain-of-custody forms, custody seals, ice chests, and blue
ice at no additional charge.
- AmTest will dispose of client samples that conform to established laboratory waste streams at no additional cost.
- Unless otherwise requested, samples are disposed of 90 days after sample report date.
Standard written report format:
- AmTest's standard written report contains the following:
- Cover Page
- Analytical Report: Client project identification, date sampled, date received, date reported, sample matrix, Client ID,
Analytical results, detection limit, units, and qualifiers.
- Methodology Report: Parameter, method used, date analyzed and extracted, MDL.
- QA/QC: duplicates, spikes, and blanks.
- Electronic data is available upon request. Custom reports are also available. CLP Package with raw data is available for a
minimal charge.
- Invoices are mailed with the final report.
- Payment terms are Net 30 from the date of invoice.
- AmTest's ability to respond to client needs is based on communication. We are always willing to work with the client to
produce the best quality data. A project manager is assigned to each project based on their technical ability and understanding
of the sample matrix, analysis, and regulations involved in the project.
If you have any further questions or are in need of special arrangements not specified here, then feel free to
contact us.